RNZRSA Modernisation Programme
Why is change needed?
The RNZRSA was established in 1916 to ensure those soldiers returning to New Zealand following the Gallipoli Campaign were able to access support. The original idea was to form "clubs" where soldiers could meet and share experiences, air their grievances and support each other. These clubs would in turn, be part of a National Association to ensure they did not become isolated and to allow them to speak as one voice when lobbying Government for support.
Fast forward 108 years to the RNZRSA of today. We now have over 180 Associations around the country, and over 250 volunteer support advisors trained and ready to provide support to New Zealand's veterans of military service and their whānau.
The RNZRSA operates a federated model, meaning each of the Associations is an independent entity in its own right (operating either as a charitable trust or an incorporated society). In becoming part of the RNZRSA, each Association agrees to abide by the RNZRSA's constitution which (amongst a number of things) requires them to deliver remembrance activities and support to veterans in their communities.
The governance model of the RNZRSA has changed many times over its history, and currently consists of a Board of Directors, a Presidents' Forum (elected representatives) and a National Office providing administrative support.
This complicated governance model has left the organisation with blurred lines of communication, a structure that promotes internal conflict and Associations that have become isolated from the support they need to continue operating effectively as part of the RNZRSA.
The RNZRSA Modernisation Programme seeks to address these issues, and ensure the organisation has clear leadership and governance, and that all member Associations are united in the common purpose of supporting New Zealand's veterans of military service and their whānau.

What is happening with the Modernisation Programme?
The Modernisation Programme will be conducted in stages, allowing for full consultation with Member Associations every step of the way.
Stage One - Update to RNZRSA Constitution
The first stage of the programme is to update the RNZRSA Constitution.
Click here for more information on the adoption process for the proposed RNZRSA Constitution.
Click here for updates on the Model Constitution for Associations
Benefits of Constitutional Change
Changing our constitution will see us being legislatively compliant, with a simple and easy to understand guiding document that future proofs our organisation.
Changes will help ensure we remain a relevant organisation able to better support New Zealand's veterans of military service and their whānau.
After nearly six months of consultation and feedback, the final draft of the RNZRSA Constitution is expected to be released to the Membership in January 2025.
There will be an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on Saturday 22 March 2025 dedicated to voting on the proposed constitution.
Historical documents relating to the Consultation process can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions
Does the programme affect my local RSA?
The Modernisation Programme is focused on the RNZRSA which is the National Body. The programme is about strengthening our relationship with Associations (local RSA's). We recognize the current structure is creating unnecessary conflict and makes communication difficult.
Is this really about centralising assets and money?
Absolutely not. There is no intention to try and centralise the assets or money that belong to Associations and no Associations will be forced to close as part of any proposed changes.
If, separately to the change programme, any Association chooses to cease trading, they will be supported to ensure that wherever possible the assets and money that belong to the Association remain available to the veterans in their community.
I've heard the RSA wants to stop operating hospitality venues - is this true?
Absolutely not. There is no intention to stop Associations operating hospitality venues.
What we do need to ensure is that whatever business model Associations choose to operate it is financially viable, resilient and able to support the RNZRSA’s core purpose of supporting veterans and their whānau.
We also want to ensure that there is better support available for those Associations that might encounter financial difficulties.
Are these changes about excluding RSA members that haven't served in the military?
The role of the community and all members of the RSA remain important. While the changes are designed to support the RNZRSA's core purpose of supporting veterans and their whānau, we recognize and acknowledge the enormous importance the support of our non-veteran members has in achieving this.