
The RNZRSA Constitution

The Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association is currently working under version 117 of the Constitution. Please click on the link below to access it.

Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association - Constitution v. 117

The RNZRSA Bylaws

The Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association is currently working under version 37 of the Bylaws. Please click on the link below to access them.

RNZRSA Bylaws version 37


The RNZRSA Manual 

Made up of 20 chapters, the 2019 RNZRSA Manual covers important topics for RSAs to be aware of.


Updating your RSA Model Rules

Your RSA can update your rules. Simply bring any changes to your RSA’s Annual General Meeting and have them approved. Once your rules are approved by your AGM, submit them to

We have model rules available too which RSAs can adopt using the method above. The model rules shall form part of these By-Laws of the RNZRSA. Where there are any inconsistencies between RNZRSA’s Constitution and/or these Bylaws and the RNZRSA Manual, the Constitution and the By-laws shall take precedence.

Download the model rules


Local RSA Governance

Good governance is the foundation of your RSA’s success; setting the goals and direction that will march your association strongly into the future.

Our resources in this section will help you to define the role of governance and management, be aware of your liabilities and get the best out of your meetings.

Further information on Effective Governance:

Running Effective Committee Meetings



Awards help us to recognise the special people that contribute outstanding service to the RSA and our wider communities.

There are several types of awards which local RSAs can nominate their members for, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. There’s also a local RSA certificate of appreciation available so you can thank the people within your community who have helped your RSA. 

Make an Award Nomination

To make a nomination for an RNZRSA or District Long Service Award, fill in the following form and have it approved at your RSA’s AGM or Executive Committee Meeting. The form should then go to your District President who will bring the nomination to the next President’s Forum for approval. Your RSA will be notified of the resulting decision.

Please note the following:

  • The RNZRSA Award Nomination Form has been updated and approved by the Presidents' Forum. The form is provided below in two versions; an editable MS Word version and a non-editable PDF version (the latter for printing and completion by hand if required). The design and layout of the form is now much more logical and intuitive, making it easier for nominating RSAs and other stakeholders to complete.
  • An RNZRSA Award Nomination Support Notes template has also been developed and approved by the Presidents' Forum. The purpose of this form is to allow nominating RSAs to elaborate on the information provided in the Award Nomination Form proper (should this be required). Again, this form is provided in two versions below; an editable MS Word version and a non-editable PDF version.
  • Chapter 4 of the RNZRSA Manual (Awards Meritorious Service) is currently being updated and will be released in due course, however the updated Award Nomination Form (and associated Supporting Notes template) is to be used with immediate effect. Any blank hard copies of the old form should be destroyed, and any electronic versions should be deleted. There will be a short transition period where both forms will be accepted by the Presidents' Forum, however from 1 April 2025 only nominations using the updated forms will be considered.

If you have any questions about the RNZRSA Award process or the associated forms, please contact your District President in the first instance.


Provisional Membership

This brand new category of membership allows anyone to visit your RSA and spend money on your entertainment offering – just like any other member. With Provisional Membership, the membership lasts for one month – it can’t be rolled over. What a great way to trial your RSA’s hospitality!

Visitors to your RSA just need to fill in an application form, which you can download below. You can then provide a membership card marked ‘Provisional’ for the month of membership, so that the Provisional Member can be clearly identified as a bona fide member of the RSA.

For you, this is a great way of getting people in through the door to try the RSA with no strings attached. Use it as a marketing tool – if customers enjoy a great experience, encourage them to join as full members.

So how do you do it?

You simply need to make the four required changes to your constitution, as detailed in the Provisional Membership rule changes document below.

You then need to have the changes approved via an AGM or EGM and file the changes.

It’s then up to you to start marketing your club and sharing this trial membership with your community!

If you have any questions, contact us on

Provisional Membership Application Form

Provisional Membership Rule Change

Provisional Member Factsheet