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Contact Us


General Enquiries

Enquiries regarding the RSA in your local area should be directed to your nearest RSA. You can find contact details for your local RSA by searching here.

Associations and Members that need to contact their District President can find their contact details here.

If you need to talk to a member of the National Office Team - you can ring the general enquiries number: 04 384 7994

Alternatively, you can send an email to enquiries@rsa.org.nz 


If you wish to become a member of your local RSA please contact the Association you wish to join.

If you would like to learn more about membership before joining the RSA, please contact your local RSA for more information.

Getting support

If you are seeking support from the RSA for yourself or a family member, please contact one of our District Support Managers.


If you have a concern or complaint about anything that has taken place at your local RSA please contact the Association in the first instance. If more appropriate, then the complaint can be made directly to the District President.

You can find details for each RSA here and District Presidents here.

RNZ RSA National Office

Please contact your local RSA if your enquiry relates to an activity or issue in your local area.

The RNZ RSA National Office does not operate a reception to receive and direct calls, so if possible please email us with your query and we will ensure it is directed to the right staff member to respond.

If your matter is urgent, or you are unable to email, please call the RNZ RSA National Office on +64 4 384 7994 and select the most appropriate option from the call tree.

The RNZ RSA National Office is located at:
Level 4
Anzac House
181 Willis St

The postal address for the RNZ RSA National Office is:
PO Box 27248
Marion Square
Wellington 6141

Media Enquiries

Members of the media seeking comment from the RNZ RSA should contact our Communications and Marketing Manager on either media@rsa.org.nz or by calling +64 27 297 3313.