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RNZRSA's 108th National Council





The 108th National Council will be held over two days, 16 and 17 October at Sky Stadium in Wellington.

Planning is underway and this page will be updated as more information is confirmed and made available. Please keep checking back.

Page last updated: 2 September 2024


This year's National Council promises to be action packed with an election to fill the vacant Vice President role, workshop activities to look at the proposed Model Constitution for Associations, alongside ceremonial activity and networking opportunities.

Associations wanting to take part are encouraged to attend in person to ensure their voices are heard and make the most of the opportunity to come together with other delegates. Those Associations unable to send a delegate to Wellington are still able to fully participate online.


Registrations are now open.

Delegates: All delegates are required to register by entering their details at the link provided below.


In-person: Observers wishing to attend in-person are required to register by entering their details at the link provided below.

Online: Observers who will be viewing online are not required to register, however those who choose to register will receive all the supporting documentation for National Council direct to their email.

Register for National Council here

Notices of Motion

Proposals for Notices of Motion are no longer being accepted.

All Notices of Motions were required to be submitted by 28 August 2024.


Nominations for National Vice President election

An election will be held during National Council to fill the vacant National Vice President position.

Information on the role and process for appointing a National Vice President can be found from para 6.1 of the RNZRSA Constitution and from para 12.10 of the RNZRSA Bylaws.

Nominations for the National Vice President role closed on 28 August 2024.

The nominations that have been submitted will now be considered by the Forum Nominee Panel, and the names of the confirmed candidates will be available on this page on 11 September.

Proxy votes

Associations that are not able to send a delegate to attend National Council in-person are able to attend online.

Online attendees are able to fully participate in National Council and will have the ability to vote during the meeting which should eliminate the need to vote by proxy.

In the unlikely event that an Association cannot provide a delegate either in-person or online, they can appoint a Proxy using the form which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

All submissions for voting by Proxy must be submitted by email to nationalcouncil@rsa.org.nz no later than 18 September 2024.

Travel, Transport and Accommodation

Associations and Affiliates are responsible for their own travel, transport and accommodation requirements. No transport will be provided from accommodation to Sky Stadium.

Parking Spaces at Sky Stadium

Attendees are required to reserve a space if they wish to access the free parking available at Sky Stadium for National Council.

Plan ahead. Access to the free parking area is only available for those attendees who have reserved a space. Attendees who try to access the area on the day but have not reserved a space will be redirected to the paid parking areas.


Book your Parking Space here


Key dates coming up


11 September: National Vice President election candidate information available online
18 September: Closing date for submissions to vote by proxy.
25 September: Registrations close.
25 September: Notice of National Council distributed (Agenda, minutes from last National Council, Financial Report, Notices of Motion, Nominees for Election)


16 October: Items for General Business must be received no later than 12pm. These should be submitted to:


Proxy Voting Form

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